A Serbian course: that sounds difficult, will I have to study for that or not?

Heart of Language makes learning Serbian easy and fun. Not only that but:

  • Without vocabulary lists
  • Without grammar exercises
  • Without tests and exams

How does it work? You follow your Serbian lessons with us under hypnosis.

Learning Serbian under hypnosis is a relaxed and effortless way of learning. We have the results to prove it: the lesson materials stick well, without you having to force yourself to stay focused.

Give it a try? Nothing’s impossible! Take our trial lesson (in The Hague or online) and discover how easy and fun a Serbian course can be!

Yes, I want a trial lesson!

Curious about how you’ll find learning Serbian under hypnosis? You can try it out for at Heart of Language.

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Serbian course at Heart of Language? Here’s why:

You follow this Serbian course under hypnosis (!)

You learn Serbian at Heart of Language under hypnosis. Learning under hypnosis is effective and wonderfully relaxing. Our technique is also very suitable for people who have performance or speaking anxiety!

Learning Serbian at Heart of Language is very fun and highly effective

An effective language course? Yes, of course! Thanks to the hypnosis, you are fully focused on your Serbian course. Time flies, because you are effortlessly absorbed in the material. Our approach helps you to learn very effectively.

Trying it out? You can do that for now!

We are the only school teaching Serbian under hypnosis in the Netherlands. Precisely because our method is unique, your first lesson with us is always possible. This way you can experience for yourself what it’s like to learn Serbian under hypnosis.

Book my trial session right away!

‘A course in Serbian under hypnosis? Boy… I don’t know”

Under hypnosis: many of our website visitors get stuck on those two words. Not surprising: you won’t find a Serbian language course under hypnosis on every street corner.

Especially for those who might frown a bit at the word ‘hypnosis’: we are happy to answer the most frequently asked questions about the kind of hypnosis we are referring to.

How do I become hypnotized during my language lesson?

You follow your language lesson 1-on-1. You sit or lie comfortably in an armchair, with headphones on. Your teacher is sitting across from you. You can hear your teacher’s voice through the headphones: he or she talks to you in a calm voice, with calm, instrumental music in the background. You don’t have to do anything and you don’t have to try hard just to concentrate explicitly. Listen and you will find yourself falling into deep relaxation or hypnosis.

It is impossible to say in advance whether you will ‘just’ go into deep relaxation or hypnosis. It doesn’t matter for the rest of the lesson either: you will learn effectively and effortlessly anyway.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis doesn’t feel floaty, ‘bizarre’ or unnatural. In fact, it’s so natural that you already know what it feels like.

You probably recognize this: you read a good book or watch a good movie. You are completely sucked into the story. When the story is over or the movie ends, you look up and only notice that it’s gotten dark, or that it’s much later than you realised in the moment. Why? You shut out the rest of the world, as it were. You were completely absorbed in the story.

That’s exactly what hypnosis feels like. You’re fully and effortlessly focused on just one thing: your Serbian course.

Why does learning Serbian under hypnosis work so well?

The hypnosis ensures that you are fully concentrated without any extra effort. You don’t have 15 tabs open in your head, but direct all of your attention toward your Serbian course.

A nice bonus of your Serbian course under hypnosis: students often feel very relaxed or even completely recharged after class. Can you imagine how relaxed your classes are!

Will you come and try it out? Your trial lesson!

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Serbian course: here’s what you get

  • All your lessons are 1-on-1. You can also choose to take your lessons together with someone you know, for example a friend, partner or colleague.
  • Learn Serbian at your own pace and level. We put together the lessons in consultation with you: you choose what you want to learn.
  • You set the pace. A Serbian course usually consists of 40 hours of learning, but you choose how often you’re taught and how often you want to review your material. It is also possible to follow fewer, more or a set of separate lessons.
  • You follow each lesson partially under hypnosis. At the start of each lesson you follow a guided relaxation, which brings you under hypnosis or into deep relaxation.
  • Lessons offered at various locations. You can take your Serbian lessons at one of our language schools in The Hague or in Amsterdam, at a location of your choice or even as an online language course.
  • A trial lesson. Try without any obligation to see if learning Serbian under hypnosis suits you! Book your trial lesson directly online.

Learning Serbian at Heart of Language: you won’t get

  • Classic, classroom education. All your lessons are 1-on-1 and therefore precisely tailored to the kind of material you want to learn.
  • Textbooks and workbooks. You will not be given exercise books and word lists to take home. Your only “homework”? Listen back to the recordings made during your lesson.
  • Serbian course is very useful for people who want to get over performance anxiety. Here, you learn in a stimulating environment without any added pressure while speaking.

Learn Serbian under hypnosis if you…

  • … haven’t been able to master the language yet, no matter how hard you try.
  • … suffer from public speaking anxiety.
  • … used to speak Serbian and want to pick it back up as efficiently as possible, but not in a class.
  • … Need to learn Serbian NOW and are looking for a crash course in Serbian at exactly your level.
  • Book a trial lesson right away

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