You want to learn Danish. How does it sound to try it this way:

  • In complete relaxation;
  • Without long vocabulary lists, memorising rules or doing too many grammar exercises;
  • And so that you learn exactly what you want to learn?

All of this is possible at Heart of Language. Our teaching method is unique in the Netherlands: here you learn Danish under hypnosis.

Do you find that strange or a bit too exciting? We get that. That is why the trial lesson for our Danish language course. Come and give it a try without any further obligation!

Your first lesson costs nothing.

Learning Danish under hypnosis: want to find out if it’s for you? Book your trial lesson now.

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This makes learning Danish at Heart of Language unique

One of a kind in the Netherlands: learning Danish under hypnosis

It’s actually a bit strange that we are the only language school in the Netherlands where you learn Danish under hypnosis because it only has advantages: it is super effective and it has a relaxing effect!

Learn the Danish language without memorising lists and over practising grammar

We don’t have ‘classes’ with notes and workbooks. You will receive recordings of your lesson to take home, which you can listen back to. That is also your only homework, unless you would like to have extra exercises!

Your trial lesson is always possible

A trial lesson is always possible. You take your lesson on location with us in The Hague or online (read: at home on the couch). Book it now and discover how relaxing learning Danish under hypnosis can be!

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Danish course under hypnosis: oh, what um… that’s a bit odd!

A Danish course under hypnosis: that sounds rather peculiar. Maybe you’re scratching your head now, because isn’t that a bit uncommon?

Well, no. Actually, we should be scratching our heads more at the classic way of language learning. You know:

  • In a classroom
  • With grammar exercises
  • Copying out lists, taking tests and quizzes…

Do you remember how you learned your native language? Oh no? That was because it came ‘naturally’. You didn’t have to sit down in one place to do it, but picked things up on the fly going on around you. Imitation and experimentation.

Learning a language under hypnosis is the closest way to learning your native language. You learn without pressure, you speak to your teacher and vary more and more what you learn at your own pace. It feels relaxing and natural, and is very effective.

How does hypnosis actually work in the context of my Danish course?

Each lesson of your Danish course starts with a guided relaxation moment. You sit or lie in a comfortable chair with headphones on. Your teacher is sitting across from you. You close your eyes and through the headphones you hear your teacher talking to you in a very soft voice with peaceful music in the background. That combination of calming speech and quiet music puts you under hypnosis, or deep relaxation.

Whether you really go under hypnosis or in a state of deep relaxation differs from person to person. It doesn’t matter either way because both work equally well to help you focus effortlessly and completely on the Danish language.

What does hypnosis feel like? Am I ‘gone’?

When you are under hypnosis, you are not actually ‘gone’, but very relaxed. You focus completely on the subject matter, without it requiring any special effort.

Do you want to know how it feels? Compare it to that time when you read a good book or were busy with your hobby and completely absorbed in it. After a while you looked at the clock and thought: “wow, so late already!?”

That’s exactly what hypnosis feels like: your brain is completely absorbed in your Danish lessons. You aren’t thinking about time passing, or shopping lists, or your email inbox. There is only your Danish course, you can fully focus on your lesson.

Hypnosis: the most relaxed way of learning Danish

What we often hear from students afterwards: ‘I now have more energy than before the lesson started!’ That’s precisely because of the hypnosis. You give yourself permission to leave everything for what it is and choose one focus point for a moment. That makes learning Danish under hypnosis very relaxing. So relaxing that many people find it hard to believe that a Danish course under hypnosis works so well.

Come find out for yourself: book a trial lesson and discover how nice and effective learning under hypnosis really is.

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Practical information about learning the Danish language at Heart of Language

  • You take as many lessons as you want. We offer an entry-level Danish course in 10 hours or a full Danish course in 40 hours, but you can also choose to  take more or fewer lessons.
  • You decide what topics you want to concentrate on. This Danish language course doesn’t exist yet, because you help build it. You tell us what you want to learn so that you will actually use everything you learn.
  • Our Danish course is for all levels. Whether you’re looking for a Danish course for beginners or advanced students, you’ve come to the right place. We tailor the materials to your level.
  • You always follow your lessons 1-on-1. You can, however, choose to follow your lessons with, for example, your partner, a friend or a colleague instead.
  • You decide where you learn:
  • With us at our language school in The Hague
  • With us at our language school in Amsterdam
  • In an online language course (so: at home on the couch)
  • At a self-chosen location, for example in your office (in consultation)
  • Or combine all these options: you choose the location for each lesson
  • You determine your lesson times. How often you teach is up to you. 40 lessons per week is a  possibility, but a 2-hour session every week or every other week is also an option. What fits into your agenda best?
  • Your trial lesson. You can book your trial lesson and have it in person at our language institute in The Hague or online. The choice is yours!

Book my trial lesson today

Why choose to learn Danish at Heart of Language?

  • We’ve had countless satisfied students: our language courses score a solid 9
  • Learn and relax, all at the same time thanks to learning under hypnosis
  • Create your own course and focus on what you want to learn at the pace of your choice

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