German language lessons in Leiden: learn German in a unique way!

Are you interested in signing up for a German course in Leiden. Here’s what we have to offer:

Our German course at language school Leiden not like the others. At Hear of Language we offer language lessons under hypnosis.

Our approach has several major advantages:

  • Students learn new material quickly and effortlessly
  • No tedious exercises are needed
  • We tailor the pace of learning to each of our students’ needs

And, the best thing about taking your German course in Leiden at Heart of Language: it’s actually enjoyable and open to everyone. Even if you often struggle to make progress when learning languages or if you’ve already taken a variety of different German courses and classes: our approach is something for you to try.

Drop in to visit us sometime? We invite you to sign up for a trial lesson, today!

Try our approach now

Sign up for a lesson now and find out for yourself just how much fun learning German is at Heart of Language!

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German lessons in Leiden: this one is not like the others…

Unique in Leiden: improve your German learning under hypnosis

We are the only school in Leiden to offer German lessons under hypnosis. Not only that, Heart of Language is the only school in the Netherlands to work with this approach. And yet, learning under hypnosis is an enjoyable, relaxing and highly effective way to improve your German.

Language course without filling out grammar exercises and memorising lists

The language lessons we offer at Heart of Language focus on listening, repetition, and experimentation. We create a safe environment where you learn by doing. Exercise books and worksheets? Not necessary!

Your first lesson

We understand that most people haven’t taken a German lesson under hypnosis before. That’s why you can try it out with our trial lessons. Book your trial lesson directly online. You are not obligated to any further lessons.

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A German language course in Leiden: this is how the hypnosis works

How do language lessons under hypnosis actually feel? Well, the experience is actually quite ordinary. This situation is probably familiar to you:

Suppose you are deeply concentrated on your hobby. Your attention is undivided. This isn’t because you have to be attentive, but because you are enjoying what you are doing to the fullest. Eventually you look over at the clock and you think: is it really that late!? Where has the time gone?

This is just like how it feels to learn a language under hypnosis at Heart of Language. Our students are completely focused on the teaching material and therefore absorb it very well. The ‘outside world’ no longer matters for a short while.

You can even learn while completely relaxed since your brain isn’t dealing with 300 different things all at once. Many of our students are not only amazed at how quickly and effortlessly the new material they are learning sticks, but also at how energetic they are at the end of their lessons.

That’s the magic of using hypnosis for learning: not only does it feel great, it’s relaxing and highly effective when you’re trying to master new information efficiently.

Do you want to learn about our teaching method? Head over to our FAQ page. Or read more about what typical lessons at Heart of Language usually look like.

German language course in Leiden: where do you want to take your lessons

At Heart of Language the specific location for your German lessons is up to you. Where do you prefer to learn?

  • German lessons on site, at our language institute in Leiden;
  • Follow our courses from your couch at home all thanks to our online classes;
  • Decide on a more convenient location in Leidenfor your language course in consultation with your teacher: for example at your office.

As a matter of fact, you aren’t forced to choose just one option! You could combine all three options. Follow your first lessons in person at our location and then switch to online German courses if you’d like. You could even combine lessons at your location choice with some taken at our language school in Leiden. Which combination would be the most convenient for you?

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Learning German in Leiden at Heart of Language: does this approach suit me?

We welcome students from 10 years and older to enrol in our German course. We believe anyone and everyone can learn German at Heart of Language!

Our unique method has proven to be a great solution for people in these kinds of situations:

  • “I’ve got to learn German very quickly, help!”
  • “I love German but it never seems to stick. I’ve tried self-study, courses, language classes etc. …”
  • “I’ve always had a very hard time with languages. But I’d really like to improve my German.”
  • “I’m always too scared whenever it comes to speaking. I can easily understand everything others say but I have a lot of trouble whenever I try to talk.”
  • “I was quite advanced in German before. I want to pick that up again now, but I don’t want to take a class.’
  • “If I don’t pass my German class in school I won’t be able to graduate. It’s just so tricky…”

Heart of Language German language course in Leiden: all information at a glance

  • The lessons we offer are adjusted to your level. We welcome learners from beginner to advanced levels. Our teachers adapt the lessons to each of their students’ learning goals and starting level.
  • Private lessons are available to all. Otherwise, you can also choose to take lessons together with a partner, colleague or friend.
  • We are happy to adjust your language course for your needs. Our German course usually consists of 40 hours, but it is also possible to ask for fewer or more hours or even just a couple individual lessons.
  • You decide which topics you want to work on. The course content is solely dependent on your learning goals.
  • The lesson schedule is planned in discussion with your teacher. We do not ask for a fixed day or time. Students are encouraged to take at least 2 hours of lessons at a time. This is the minimum amount of time for our approach to do its work.
  • Guided relaxation is used at the beginning and end of every class. This puts you into deep relaxation or hypnosis.
  • The course is organised according to your pace. You can choose to take a crash course of 40 lessons in one week or sign up for just 2 hours every other week. We are happy to adapt to your agenda.
  • The specific location for  your German language course in Leidenis up to you! You can come to our language school, learn German online, or at a more convenient location (in consultation with your teacher).

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Would you like to know what other language courses we offer in Leiden?