French language lessons in Leiden: learn French in a unique and highly effective way!

Have you been searching for a French course in Leiden? That’s exactly what we offer.

The course we offer at language school Leiden is not like the others. That’s because we teach language courses under hypnosis.

Our approach has many advantages:

  • You make progress more quickly and with less effort
  • You learn to memorise new material without constant repetition
  • We teach at whatever pace is best for you

And, best of all: the language course we offer in Leiden  is genuinely enjoyable and suitable for anyone and everyone. Even if you usually have difficulty with language learning or if you’ve already tried a variety of French courses and classes: our course is the one for you!

Curious to drop by for a visit sometime?

Give our method a try!

Your first lesson is always on us. Book your lesson now and discover how much fun learning French at Heart of Language is!

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French language  course in Leiden: this one is a little different…

One of a kind in Leiden: learn French under hypnosis with us

We are the only school in Leiden  that offers you the chance to learn French under hypnosis. In fact, we are even the only school in the Netherlands to use this approach. And yet, hypnosis is an enjoyable, relaxing and very efficient way of learning a foreign language.

High quality language lessons without long lists and difficult grammar worksheets

Language lessons offered at Heart of Language involve active listening, repetition and playful experimentation with your language. With us, you learn by doing, and we work to create a safe and comfortable environment. And we help you learn and progress without exercise books and vocabulary lists.

Your first lesson at our school costs nothing at all

We understand you’ve probably never taken a French lesson under hypnosis. That’s why we invite you to try it out. Book your trial lesson on our website. This doesn’t commit you to any further sessions with us.

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Learning French in Leiden under hypnosis: this is how it actually works:

Does learning a language lesson under hypnosis fell strange? Not at all, it actually feels quite ordinary. Do you recognize this situation?:

You’re enjoying some time to yourself with your favourite hobby. You aren’t thinking about anything else, because you are absorbed in what you are doing and having a really great time. Looking up at the clock for the first time, you think to yourself: is it really that late? The time has flown by!

That’s the same way hypnosis feels during our French language courses in Leiden. You are totally concentrated on the lesson so you absorb all of the new information you are receiving. Your daily life simply doesn’t enter your thoughts for the duration of your lesson.

Plus: since you aren’t busy trying to think about 200 things all at once you are deeply relaxed. Our students are always amazed by how easily the foreign language they are learning sticks. Even better, they tell us how surprised they are to feel so energetic after their lesson.

That’s all thanks to our approach with hypnosis. Not only does it feel great, it’s relaxing, and super effective if you want to master something efficiently.

Do you want to find out more about our use of hypnosis? Check out our FAQ page. There you can also read more about what a lesson at Heart of Language usually looks like.

Learn French in Leiden: where do you prefer to learn?

At Heart of Language the actual location for your French lessons is up to you. What is best for you?

  • French lessons on site at our institute in Leiden;
  • Learn from home, on the couch if you’d like, thanks to our online classes;
  • You can also choose another location in Leidenfor your language lessons, at your office for example (after consulting with your teacher).

That said, you don’t have to choose just one of the options! You can also combine several of them. For example, your first lessons could be in person at our location and you could switch to learning French with us online afterwards. It is also possible to mix lessons at your location with lessons at our language school in Leiden. Which format is the most convenient for you?

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French lessons in Leiden at Heart of Language: is this course the one for me?

Anybody 10 years old and older is very welcome at our French course. Our teaching style is suitable for everyone who wants to learn French!

After years of teaching it is clear to us that our method is a great solution for people in these situations:

  • “I have to learn French as fast as I can!”
  • “I’ve tried everything I can: group courses, private study, language classes… but nothing has worked.”
  • “I always struggle with languages. I reallywant to improve my French though.”
  • “I get stressed when speaking. I understand everything easily when other people speak, but I freeze over when it’s my turn to talk.”
  • “When I was younger I was fluent in French. I want to pick it back up, but I don’t want to take a class.’
  • “I need a good grade in French at school, otherwise I won’t pass. But I’m really struggling…”

Our French language course in Leiden: everything you need to know…

  • The lessons are at your level. We determine your level together with you. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, it doesn’t matter: your teacher adapts the lessons to what you can do.
  • We always offer private lessons. That said, you are also more than welcome to take your lessons together with a friend, partner or colleague.
  • The course is adjustable. A French course consists of 40 hours, but it is also possible to sign up for a duration that is more suitable to you..
  • What you learn is up to you. All lesson materials are dependent on your learning goals and wishes..
  • You schedule your lessons in consultation with your teacher. There is no regularly fixed day or time. We recommend taking at least 2 hours at a time for every session. This way the material really sticks.
  • Every session begins with guided relaxation. This helps put you in deep relaxation or hypnosis. Every lesson you take includes time spent in deep relaxation.
  • We teach lessons at your pace. For example, sign up for an intensive 40 lessons in one week orgo more slowly with a lesson of 2 hours every two weeks. We adapt to your schedule.
  • Decide for yourself where you’d like to follow our French language course in Leiden. Take lessons at our language school, learn French online or at a location of your choice (in consultation).
  • Your first session with us costs absolutely nothing. Come take your French trial lesson! We are more than happy to offer you a trial lesson. Sign up right away on line!

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Curious about our other language courses in Leiden?