Your Italian course. Literally, because with us you build your own course in consultation with your teacher. Your lessons are 1-on-1 and you choose your own learning goals.

Your Italian lessons at Heart of Language are one of a kind. Here, you learn under hypnosis.

Why should you take your Italian language lessons under hypnosis?

  • Learning under hypnosis is highly effective: you retain everything covered in your lesson;
  • You are relaxed while learning: no fear of speaking, no tests;
  • You don’t learn vocabulary lists, you don’t fill out grammar worksheets.

Want to try it out? Book a trial lesson today.

Learning Italian under hypnosis: are you curious to experience what it’s actually like? Find out during your trial lesson!

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This is why you should choose to enrol in the Italian language course from Heart of Language

Unique: Italian lesson under hypnosis

Italian lessons under hypnosis: Heart of Language is the only language school in the Netherlands that offers this approach. Our method is very effective as well as deeply relaxing.

Learning Italian has never been so easy and enjoyable!

Hypnosis ensures that you concentrate 100% on your lesson material. This guarantees that you learn very effectively. You will be amazed at how quickly your Italian improves, even if you normally have a hard time learning or making progress in class!

Want to give it a try first?

Precisely because our method is unique in the Netherlands, we think it is only logical that you can try it out without obligation. Book your trial lesson now and discover the Italian course we offer under hypnosis.

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Italian lessons under hypnosis: more information

Could you not help but furrow your brows at the word ‘hypnosis’ above? We understand. It is a relatively unknown teaching method. That’s why we want to give a short intro about how we use hypnosis and how it feels to learn a language using this method.

Each lesson takes place partly under hypnosis thanks to a guided relaxation you listen to through your headphones. You hear your teacher speaking to you in Italian over quiet background music. This is when you fall under hypnosis. Then it is a matter of listening and repeating the words and sentences your teacher says: , your teacher reads the material to you while you’re fully focused.

Hypnosis feels very natural. You’ll probably recognize this situation: you are doing something that you like to do very much and you are completely absorbed in it. After a while you look up and you are shocked by how much time has passed: wow, it’s already so late! Why? Because time flies when you are absorbed in something.

That’s exactly what hypnosis feels like: you are completely focused on one thing. In this case you are absorbed in your Italian language course. Everything outside of that simply doesn’t exist for you.

You understand: 100% concentration ensures a fantastic result. Our students are often amazed at how quickly they learn, all the while feeling fully relaxed under hypnosis!

If you want to read more about our language course under hypnosis, be sure to check out the FAQ page. Or read more about how a typical class works.

Who is this Italian course for?

Everyone 10 years old and older is more than welcome!

In practice, we see that people are very happy to have found our Italian course under hypnosis, especially in situations like these:

  • “Help, I need to master a language NOW!”

Sometimes you are in a hurry and you need to learn a language as quickly as possible.  If you want you can take 40 hours of lessons per week at Heart of Language. You then complete a full Italian language course within 1 week!

  • “Learning a language is not for me. I just can’t hold on to any foreign language I try to learn.’

Regular language education is actually quite unnatural: you didn’t learn your mother tongue by cramming for a test… With us you learn naturally, by imitating your teacher and trying new things out.

  • “I once spoke fluent Italian. I want to pick it up, but I don’t feel like taking a language class.’

Our Italian language course is perfectly suited to you. It may seem like you’ve lost the language, but it’s still in the back of your head. Hypnosis is a very effective method to retrieve lost knowledge.

  • ‘I understand (almost) everything, but I really don’t dare speak for myself. I immediately get stressed.’

1-on-1 language lessons under hypnosis are perfect for students with a fear of public speaking. Thanks to hypnosis you are not concerned with ‘what others will think’. You learn to trust yourself and your teacher. You become proud of your own skills and comfortable using them.

I’ll book my trial lesson

Your Italian lesson: at your own level, at your own pace

It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for an Italian course for beginners or advanced students: we tailor our Italian course to your level and your goals.

To be clear: your Italian course is not predefined with us. We work from your starting point and give all sorts of suggestions for progressing from there.

During your first Italian lesson, we determine your level together. Then it is up to you to tell us what you want to learn: in what kinds of situations do you want to be able to make yourself understood. Do you want to be able to participate in every-day conversation or office life?


We want to hear from you: how long and how regularly would you like lessons? A two-hour session every week? Or would you rather have more regular lessons three times a week? A whole day of 8 hour lessons? You decide!

Your Italian course at Heart of Language: practical information

  • All lessons are 1-on-1. Or take the lessons together with your partner, colleague or friend!
  • A full Italian language course consists of 40 lessons. You can also sign up for a smaller or even larger course and individual Italian lessons are no problem either.
  • Do you want to learn quickly and/or be challenged? Or would you prefer a slow and steady learning pace, with a lot of repetition? Anything is possible!
  • You schedule your lessons yourself, in consultation with your teacher.
  • You take lessons at the place of your choice. Heart of Language has a language school in The Hague as well as in Amsterdam where you are more than welcome, but you can also learn Italian online and follow an online Italian course or propose your own location. You can also combine physical and online language course for a hybrid format for example!
  • Each lesson starts with a guided relaxation that puts you under hypnosis or in deep relaxation.
  • Trying costs you nothing. Our trial lesson or you follow it in The Hague or at home from your couch.

Just say it: will we see you soon? A presto!

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