A German course, but one that is truly different:

At Heart of Language you receive German language lessons under hypnosis. Does that feel strange? Not at all. Learn German under hypnosis, 1-on-1, in a relaxed way, without homework, glossaries or grammar exercises: that is what we offer.

Read our reviews: learning German under hypnosis works. Anyone can do it. And it is not only highly effective, but also quite relaxing.

Does it sound too good to be true? Give it a try and book your trial lesson right away.

Book a trial lesson here!

Relax and improve your German without workbooks? Discover how great learning under hypnosis is!

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German course at Heart of Language: 3x advantages

Learn under complete relaxation. Guaranteed!

The biggest advantage of learning under hypnosis? You are 100% focused on the lesson materials. That sounds intensive, but: pure concentration ensures total relaxation.

Learn German in person or online

You can follow our German course wherever you want. Choose physical lessons at our locations in The Hague or Amsterdam or online  language course. We can even visit you at your home or in your workplace!

Trying it out? Our trial lessons are awesome!

Because Heart of Language is the only language school in the Netherlands that offers language lessons under hypnosis, we understand that you first want to familiarise yourself with the concept. That’s why our trial lesson is awesome!

Book my trial session right away!

German course under hypnosis: what is it exactly?

Imagine: you are on the train and you are engrossed in a book. While turning the page you look outside and suddenly realise that this is the station where you have to get out! You grab your belongings and get off the train just in time.

What happened there? You were so absorbed in your book that you forgot everything around you for a short while. You had no sense of time and you weren’t distracted by your surroundings.

Hypnosis or deep relaxation during your German lesson feels just like this: not strange, but quite nice. You are completely focused on your lesson, immersed in it. You forget about time passing. Because your attention is 100% on the lesson material, it sticks with you. Learning under hypnosis is a very effective and pleasant way of learning German!

You can find more information about hypnosis on our FAQ page.

Taking German language course under hypnosis: 5x rewards

  • You learn more naturally without performance pressure or fear of speaking;
  • You internalise the teaching material;
  • Your classes are genuinely fun;
  • You’ve never been so relaxed after a lesson;
  • Anyone can do it, even if you have a lot of trouble learning in a classroom setting.

Who is this German course suitable for?

Heart of Language’s German language course is suitable for everyone.

Many people come to us in these situations:

  • “I need to learn a language and I’m in a hurry!”
  • ‘I understand the language well, but I don’t dare speak it myself…’
  • “I can keep on studying, but I just can’t get the hang of this language. It’s so frustrating.”
  • “I used to speak German. I’d like to pick it up again, but no traditional classes please!’
  • ‘I have to learn German at school, but I just can’t fill in tables. But I do want to succeed…”

I’ll book my trial lesson

Do you find learning German too frustrating? Try learning with hypnosis!

Do you have great difficulty mastering German during ordinary German courses or traditional German language lessons? You’re certainly not alone.

The classic classroom way of learning a language is actually very unnatural. Just look at how you learned your mother tongue: you never memorised any grammar rules or conjugation charts…

At Heart of Language you learn under hypnosis. This learning method is very similar to the way you learned your native language: ‘playfully’. You imitate, experiment and try things out. There is no performance pressure or grading system. Our method actually works very well with people who have difficulty learning or do not perform well in regular classes.

We also help children starting at around 10 years old and young people to master German. Do you or your child have difficulty learning a language at school? Come visit us for a trial lesson and discover how rewarding and relaxing learning a language can be without glossaries and grammar exercises!

Learn German on location or at home on the couch

No school desks here: you can either sit or lie comfortably in a relaxed chair at our location or you at home on your own couch! We also offer our German course online. You choose: do you follow your lessons…

  • … at our language school in Amsterdam or The Hague?
  • … at your house on your couch, under a blanket?
  • … at your office or another location of your choice, in consultation with your teacher?

Not only can the content of your German language be fully adapted to your wishes, but so can the location!

Combining different lesson locations is also a possibility. Taking your first lessons at one of our locations and then moving to your own workplace to learn German online is, for example, perfectly possible.

Practical information about your German language lessons:

  • All lessons are 1-on-1. You can also take lessons with a colleague, friend or partner!
  • You choose what you want to learn and whether you like an easy or more challenging pace.
  • Each lesson starts with a moment of guided meditation.
  • You take every lesson (including online lessons) partly under hypnosis or in deep relaxation.
  • German lessons for beginners or advanced students: your lessons are always tailored to your level.
  • Your only homework? Listen to the recordings of your last lesson. Duration: fifteen minutes a day.
  • Take your trial lesson (in The Hague or online) and discover German language lessons under hypnosis.

Take a look at the options for language learning in your area, as we also offer German language courses in The Hague and German language courses in Amsterdam.

For your physical lessons, you are also welcome at:

Book my trial session right away!