Want to learn the French language? No problem. While there are thousands of French courses available all over, the French course at Heart of Language language school is highly unique. This is thanks to:

  • The highly-successful results: our reviews say it all;
  • The unconventional method: no textbooks, no exercises, no loss of momentum;
  • The learning pleasure of our students: our courses are even referred to as relaxing.

Our secret? With us you take French lessons under hypnosis, or in deep relaxation. We are the only language school in the Netherlands that offers lessons using this approach.

If you are curious,you can try our trial lesson. During the trial lesson you will experience exactly what it is like to learn French under hypnosis.

Book your trial lesson now!

Are you interested in the French course under hypnosis? Discover how it works without any obligations!

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Why sign up for a French language course at Heart of Language?

Unique: Improve your French under hypnosis

No other language school in the Netherlands offers French lessons under hypnosis. This is in spite of the fact that it is the best and most logical way of learning. Our method comes closest to how one learns their mother tongue.

Effortless and fun learning

A French course without workbooks, exams and conjugation charts: with us it is certainly possible! Our French lessons are educational, but also enjoyable. Thanks to hypnosis, many people here even leave our lessons feeling wonderfully relaxed, and with extra language skills! Win win.

Try it out

“I was sceptical, but it really works!” We often get this feedback. Are you sceptical too? Makes sense! There is a good chance that you have never experienced what learning under hypnosis is actually like. That’s why we offer a trial discovery session to all: seeing is believing! 😉

Schedule a trial lesson

French courses under hypnosis: exciting?

“Hypnosis, um… That seems exciting.” If that’s what you’re thinking now, you’re not the only one. Many of our students aren’t sure what to imagine when they hear hypnosis. That’s why we would like to explain to you how we use hypnosis. In fact, you probably already know how it feels. Watch:

Do you have a hobby? How does it feel when you are totally engaged in that hobby? Time probably flies by. That is because you are completely absorbed in what you are doing. You shut the world out for a while. For a moment there is only your hobby on your mind, and nothing else.


That’s exactly what a language lesson under hypnosis feels like. You are present with undivided attention. You are not ‘absent’, but the rest of the world does not exist for you for a short while. As a result, you are able to fully focus on your lesson and absorb the material exceptionally well, without forcing yourself to concentrate.

Want to learn more about language lessons under hypnosis? We answer all your questions on our FAQ page!

You can follow French language lessons where and when you would like

A big plus of our French language lessons? You take them wherever and whenever you want.

  • In person French lessons at our language school. You are very welcome at our schools in Amsterdam and The Hague. At these locations, there is an easy chair for you to easily follow your French lessons in deep relaxation.
  • Take your French courses remotely. If you would rather be sitting at home in your own lazy chair, you can do that too! You can follow any of our classes online. The lesson is exactly the same and you also learn under hypnosis.
  • French language courses on location. In consultation, your French teacher can come to a location of your choice. For example, we offer French courses at your workplace or we come to your home.

And, the best thing is: all these French lesson formats can be combined with each other! For example, would you like to learn French online at home in the even weeks and have a French lesson at our language school in The Hague in the odd weeks? Any combination is possible!

So, would you rather take your language course with us in The Hague or Amsterdam? Or do you opt for an online language course?

I’ll book my trial lesson

Private French lessons: now also offered with a classmate!

Our French course consists of private French lessons. As a result, your French course is fully tailored to your level and your learning desires. You only work on the themes you want to learn about. Everything you learn is directly relevant to you.

Did you know that you can also take language lessons with a partner? For example, we regularly have couples come to us for French language courses. Colleagues or friends are also more than welcome to learn French together at Heart of Language.

Improving your French together is not only fun, but also smart: because you learn together and naturally discuss the lesson afterwards, you pick up everything again and the lesson material often sticks in your mind more easily.

If you are looking for an intensive French course, please contact us directly for the possibilities. Check out the possibilities of learning a language near you we also offer a French course in The Hague and a French course in Amsterdam.

French lessons from beginner to advanced

Whether you are already comfortable in French or have gotten no further than ‘le croissant’: at Heart of Language we meet you at your level. We are here for the couple who often go on holiday in France and want to get around more easily, for the businessman who does not want to bring his high school French to his French colleagues and for the retiree who simply enjoys learning those beautiful French sounds for the pleasure of it.

Will you stop by for a trial discovery session? We look forward to having you! You can also take your trial lesson online.

Book my trial session right away!