At Heart of Language you learn Chinese under hypnosis. This has very clear advantages: you learn Chinese well at your own pace, you do not suffer from the urge to perform or fear of failure and you feel completely relaxed during your lessons.

And it gets even better: our Chinese course is fun too! The method we use has already helped many students overcome their discomfort when making conversation and speaking.

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Learning Chinese Under Hypnosis: Is this right for you? Discover it during your trial lesson

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3 reasons to choose Chinese at Heart of Language

You can’t find such a relaxing approach to learning Chinese anywhere else

“Learning Chinese under hypnosis: erm… I’m not sure” Many students before you felt the exact same way. Not surprising, because nowhere else in our country do you follow language courses under hypnosis. But almost everyone who takes our trial lesson is immediately convinced. WE often hear: ‘I can’t believe how relaxing this language lesson actually is!’

You compile this Chinese course yourself in consultation with your teacher

No cookie-cutter teaching method here that you go through exactly according to the books. More specifically no book used at all. We start from your current level, and from there you decide how you’d like to move forward. You indicate what you need and what you want to learn. So you only gain usable knowledge of Chinese that is relevant to your needs.

Your first lesson with us costs nothing

Many people find hypnosis to be a bit too eccentric at first. We understand that very well of course. That’s why we offer a trial lesson. Then we will explain how our hypnosis works and you can experience how it feels for yourself. You’re not bound to anything.

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Learning Chinese under hypnosis: why the hypnosis?

If you choose Heart of Language, you choose to learn Chinese under hypnosis. Chances are that might sound a little bizarre to you, or at least unconventional.

Heart of Language is the only language school in the Netherlands that offers language courses under hypnosis. That said, we often ask ourselves why we are the only one, because:

  • Under hypnosis you learn effortlessly;
  • The lessons are relaxed (and have already helped many students with their fear of speaking!);
  • The reward is ‘indisputable’: after a number of lessons, students are amazed by their own knowledge and personal ability.

How does hypnosis really feel?

Before we help students get over their fear of speaking, we often have to get rid of their “fear” of hypnosis. No, our hypnosis is not like the hypnosis you know from hypnosis shows.

In fact, you probably know exactly what hypnosis feels like. When was the last time you were completely absorbed in something, and afterwards was amazed that the time flew by so fast? That is exactly what hypnosis feels like: your mind is so fully immersed in something that the outside world ‘no longer exists’ for a little while. You are completely focused without exerting any special effort.

Now imagine being able to fully focus during a language lesson without having to force yourself to pay attention. It’s so great because you absorb everything exceptionally well and on top of that you even have fun in your lesson.

You already get it: that’s exactly what hypnosis provides. You learn very effectively, without any stress and with lots of pleasure.

Learn Chinese in the same way that you learned your native language: effortlessly

Do you remember how you learned your native language? It usually happens automatically, by listening, copying and experimenting.

Learning a language under hypnosis is the approach which is most similar to how you learned your native language. No classes, tests or vocabulary lists: you start by listening, then you speak, then you have the freedom to vary and experiment at your own pace. You are not forced to sit still in a classroom and you aren’t given grammar exercises as homework, you aren’t tested, quizzed etc…

Do you want to get a better idea of how our lessons under hypnosis actually work? On the FAQ page you will find answers to all your questions. Or come on in to experience what it’s really like during your trial lesson! Learning Chinese online is also a possibility!

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Is this the Chinese language course I’m looking for?

Anybody, starting at the age of 10, can follow a Chinese language course at Heart of Language. In practice, we see many students coming to us who are in situations like these:

  • “I’ve tried everything I can to learn Chinese, but I just can’t seem to make any real progress…”
  • “Fear of speaking is my biggest problem. I understand everything, but I always to stressed to start talking.”
  • “Help, I have very little time, I need to learn Chinese ASAP!”
  • “I used to speak Chinese very well, but unfortunately not anymore. I want to pick it back up, but I don’t feel like taking a rigid class.’

Some things you still might want to know about your Chinese course at Heart of Language:

  • All your Chinese lessons are 1-on-1. That said, you can also take your lessons together with a friend, acquaintance or business contact.
  • You choose your own lesson location, and it can change from lesson to lesson if needed. Your lessons can take place at our language institute in The Hague, at our language institute in Amsterdam, at a location of your choice or even as an online language course. We also offer hybrid combinations of all these options.
  • This Chinese course always fits in your agenda. A Chinese course at Heart of Language consists of 40 lessons that can be arranged freely. We advise you to book sessions of at least 2 hours. Do you want a shorter course, a longer one, learn chinese online or separate lessons? These are all possible!
  • You get to learn at your own pace. An intensive crash course with 40 lessons every week? Naturally. Prefer to have just one session every one or two weeks? No problem either.
  • You only learn things that are useful to you. The content of your course depends on your learning desires and your level, so this Chinese course doesn’t come ready-made.
  • You cannot learn to write and read Chinese under hypnosis. Because Chinese has a its own particular script, writing and reading is really a matter of practising together with your teacher. You work on this part in the ‘normal way’, so not under hypnosis.
  • Your first lesson is always possible. You can easily book your trial lesson online and follow it at our location in The Hague or simply take an online language course from wherever suits you best.

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