Language courses with exceptional results

At Heart of Language you follow a language course and get exceptional results. This is due to our unique method.

You learn with us under hypnosis. Hypnosis ensures that you are fully concentrated and speak a foreign language without fear or hesitation. Yes, even as a beginner!

Which language do you want to learn to speak with confidence? Take your language course at the Heart of Language language school online, in person or in a combination of the two.

Trial discovery session: experience how you enjoy learning under hypnosis

Make an appointment for your discovery lesson, You can visit us in The Hague or take a lesson online and experience our successful method!

Schedule a trial lesson

Efficient learning under hypnosis

The beauty of learning under hypnosis? You are completely focused on the lesson. You’re totally relaxed and receptive. Time flies and you learn more with every passing minute.

You dare!

Suffering from anxiety when speaking? A traditional language lesson often produces the opposite of the desired effect. With a language course under hypnosis, your fear of speaking vanishes. You learn to speak without hesitation, even outside of class. You dare!

Give it a try first? It’s now possible!

“Oops, um, under hypnosis…?” We hear that often. That is why we are happy to offer you a trial discovery session. You will see: there is nothing strange about learning a language under hypnosis. In fact, it’s really nice!

Language courses, with a unique approach

You take our language learning courses under hypnosis. That is unique: we are the only language school in The Hague, Amsterdam and even in the Netherlands that offers language courses under hypnosis.

If you immediately have an image of stage hypnosis in mind when you hear the word ‘hypnosis’: don’t worry, that’s not how we work at all. The aim of our hypnosis method is to free you from the hustle and bustle in your own mind. No shopping lists or difficult emails that you still have to answer. Instead: just your language course, and nothing else.

One student described it this way: “You lie with your eyes closed, so that you don’t have eye contact with your teacher. That also ensures that your ego doesn’t get in the way. You are not afraid to make mistakes because you are not thinking about the outside world or how you perform.”

How learning a language under hypnosis works:

How do our language courses work under hypnosis? To begin with, we skip the grammar rules and vocabulary lists in our language course. The best way to learn a language is to be immersed in its sound and use it in practice.

We start every lesson, on location or digitally, with guided meditation. You sit or lie down in a comfortable chair and listen to a voice through your headphones that puts you under hypnosis. You can hear quiet music playing in the background. This soundtrack eases you into hypnosis, or deep relaxation. Then your teacher recites a text and your lesson begins.

What does hypnosis feel like? Actually, you may already know. You’re probably familiar with this: you are doing something fun and you are completely absorbed in it. You forget about time and your surroundings and only pay attention to what you are doing in the moment.

That’s exactly how hypnosis feels during your language lesson: you forget your daily worries for a short while and you focus completely on the lesson. You are 100% receptive and completely relaxed. A lesson under hypnosis does not feel strange or peculiar, but very nice. You won’t get tired of it either. Many of our students even find it energising!

On our page with frequently asked questions you will find much more information about how hypnosis works.

Why take language courses at Heart of Language?

Fast or easy: your choice

Do you prefer to speak your new language well within a week? Or would you rather go through your language course at a leisurely pace? Anything is possible! You plan your lessons yourself, in consultation with your teacher.

Focus on what you want to learn

All Heart of Language language courses are individual courses, you follow them 1-on-1, or together with someone you know. That is why we tailor the lessons to your level and your learning goals.

Test it out in our trial!

Worried that learning a language effortlessly is too good to be true? We understand that. Our method is relatively unknown in the Netherlands. That’s why we offer a discovery session. Make your appointment now!

Book my trial session right away!

Which language do you want to learn?

Whether you are just starting to learn a language or have been trying to master one for years: we tailor our language course to your level.

You can contact us for these lessons in these languages:

European languages:

Non-European languages:

Is the language you want to learn not on the list? Feel free to reach out to us! Thanks to our extensive network of language teachers, there is a good chance that we can still provide the language course you are looking for.

All our courses can be followed on location at our language institute in The Hague. In consultation, we also provide in-company language courses, or courses at a location that is convenient for you. Are you searching for an online language course, or do you want to take some of your lessons online? You can, at Heart of Language you can also follow language lessons under hypnosis online.

Start your language course today: book your trial lesson now!

Put it to the test 😉 and find out if language courses under hypnosis are right for you. Book your trial lesson in The Hague below, or take a trial lesson online. We’d love to meet you, see you soon!

I’ll book my trial lesson